inside/out blog

First Christian Church

Our Help for Greece Begins Now

Tomorrow is the official start of our Humanitourism adventure in Greece to help the dogs and cats and the people here who are trying to make a difference for them.  Our help for Greece overall, however, began immediately.  Just by traveling here, spending money locally, supporting locally owned businesses and the Greek economy, we are making a difference for Greece as a country, while we are helping the animals here.

Many people have cancelled plans to come to Greece because of the recent demonstrations in Athens that have been so highly publicized.

But as this article states, so much of Greece’s economy depends on tourism.  So if Greece has any hope of recovery, it will be through its tourism industry.  Because of this, now may be the best time to express your thoughts on the treatment of animals here.  In the past, some people have called for boycotts on travel to Greece or themselves have not traveled here to protest the inhumane treatment of animals and the lack of appropriate animal welfare education and enforcement.  This has fallen on deaf ears previously.  Perhaps now, with so much at stake, your voice will be heard.

You can contact the department of tourism by email: and

Please consider being a voice for the animals here and write a polite note to tourism officials requesting a change in animal welfare before committing tourism dollars to Greece.  I’d suggest sending to both email addresses.  One is the tourism contact and one is the central office contact.

You can find background on the animal welfare crisis on our website at the bottom of this page: as well as on several group pages on Facebook and the Greek Animal Rescue and Greek Animal Welfare Fund websites.